Trilateral PREP visit to Davis
PREP@UCD hosted scholars, faculty, and staff from our sibling PREP sites at UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley in what we hope will become an annual tradition.
Last year, we had a lovely visit to UC Santa Cruz (see the blog by PREP alumna Carla Campos for the details). We reciprocated on 30 September by providing a sample of UC Davis' scientific resources, introducing Director Joanna Chiu, co-director Dan Starr, other faculty, and graduate programs, and giving everyone a taste of our food scene.
Scholars shared three-minute speed talks on their research, and leaders of grad programs -- including UC Davis' Ben Montpetit (Biochemistry, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology), Anna La Torre Vila (Neuroscience), Chuck Bevins (Immunology), Sean Burgess (Integrative Genetics and Genomics), and Manuel Navedo (Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology) -- described doctoral education at their respective institutions.
But only UC Santa Cruz included a very cool drone flyover of the campus.
Each scholar also met individually with a faculty member in their field of interest.
Dan Starr showed everyone around the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology's new open space lab, Dr. Thomas Wilkop demonstrated some of the capabilities of the MCB Light Microscopy Imaging Facility, and Professor Bruce Draper introduced everyone to the zebrafish facility and some of its denizens.
Afterwards, we adjourned for pizza (and pints), informal conversation and laughter, and a Davis-centric photo op.
And after that, the scholars continued to hang out and eventually adjourned downtown for dessert.
Thanks to all who spoke and met with scholars. We enjoyed getting to know everyone and look forward to reconnecting at ABRCMS.
Next year: Berkeley!