Count 'em, four.
We are proud and happy (i.e., giddy and thrilled) to announce (i.e., shout to the world) that four PREP@UCD scholars from the 2023-2024 cohort received fellowships from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. And one affiliate who joined partway through the 2022-2023 program year received an Honorable Mention.
Congratulations to Dianah Anderson, Andrew Barber, Daniela Hernandez, and Emari Mann! PREP@UCD affiliate Julianna Porter received an Honorable Mention!
And let's not overlook the fact that PREP faculty mentor Anna La Torre Vila is two for two in mentoring PREP scholars and GRFP fellows in her lab (Yesica Mercado-Ayon in 2018-2019 and now Daniela).
Many many thanks to the GRFP fellows who helped mentor these budding scientists in our writing workshop: Maribel Anguiano and Celena Lozano (both PREP@UCD alumni), Cristofer Brothers, and Laurie Balstad.
HBCU summer researcher Naomi Becks, who shared professional development workshops with the PREP scholars in summer 2023, also received an award. Thanks go to Immunology grad students Arthur Rodriguez (another PREP@UCD alumnus and GRFP fellow) and HBCU alumna Chelsea Kelland for their assistance.
And we are deeply grateful to all our faculty colleagues who mentor these scholars, and to UC Davis and the National Institutes of Health, who make our program possible.
Congratulations to all!